


  • 公司名稱上海首立實業(yè)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號712 型
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2020/9/21 19:14:10
  • 訪問次數(shù)329

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上海首立實業(yè)有限公司成立于2002年,是美國SOLY在中國投資的集科、工、貿(mào)于一體的綜合性實業(yè)公司。目前在國內(nèi)的主要有實驗室成套設(shè)備和生產(chǎn)工業(yè)用試劑兩大方面的業(yè)務(wù)。 其一:實驗室成套設(shè)備和實驗室工程方面,本公司是NIPPON DENSHOKU,HENKEL,SHEEN,DJH DESIGNS,TIMES,JICC,TPS,BLUE M,TABER,ERICHSEN等的*經(jīng)銷商和售后服務(wù)承包商。主營NIPPONDENSHOKU色差儀、色度儀、色差計、濁度儀、水分儀、分光測色儀、光澤計、密度計;儀立信Erichsen杯凸設(shè)備、島津EDX720 X熒光光譜儀、HORIBA XGT-1000WR,TPS,Blue-M高溫烘箱、TSA101(102,103)自動彈出式烘箱、紫外老化箱、光澤計、DJH膜厚儀、DJH MEK摩擦實驗儀以及其它鹽霧、磨耗、氙燈曝曬老化、紅魔鬼振蕩混合器、HENKEL鋁合金表面鈍化劑、皮膜劑,Taber磨耗儀等等相關(guān)實驗室設(shè)備耗材及實驗室工程;我司為涂料實驗室、RoHS實驗室、彩鋼實驗室及通用實驗室提供一攬子解決方案。 其二:生產(chǎn)加工,首立實業(yè)保稅區(qū)工廠主要生產(chǎn)出口工業(yè)電子油、金屬表面保護(hù)劑、微動開關(guān)觸點保護(hù)脂和防銹劑等工業(yè)試劑和耗材。注冊商標(biāo)牌號:Cu606銅表面防變色保護(hù)劑,GR601觸點保護(hù)脂,AU602金表面防變色保護(hù)劑,AG603銀表面防變色保護(hù)劑,SN604錫表面防變色保護(hù)劑,NI605鎳表面防變色保護(hù)劑,F(xiàn)E607防銹油,F(xiàn)608高效防銹脂,RoHSColor六價鉻顯色劑。 董事長語錄:“品質(zhì)未來?!? 經(jīng)營理念:“以實力求生存、以改革求發(fā)展?!? 公司使命:“掌握技術(shù)、研發(fā)產(chǎn)品;積累經(jīng)驗、優(yōu)化服務(wù)?!? 員工守則:“專業(yè)、專注、誠信、高效” 經(jīng)營目標(biāo):“提升自己、服務(wù)客戶、回報股東、回報社會?!? 公司自成立以來,憑借正確的經(jīng)營理念,加之科學(xué)的管理方法,同美國、加拿大、德國、韓國、瑞典、瑞士、日本、中國香港及中國臺灣地區(qū)等眾多企業(yè)和社會團(tuán)體建立了穩(wěn)定*的業(yè)務(wù)合作關(guān)系并樹立了良好的信用度和企業(yè)美譽(yù)度。 公司尊重知識、尊重人才,注重技術(shù)、追求創(chuàng)新。我們熱忱希望同海內(nèi)外各屆人士及同行精誠合作、面向未來、共創(chuàng)多贏。首立實業(yè)歡迎您蒞臨洽談!首立實業(yè)誠邀您加盟!
Conductivity measurement has top priority when the quality of water samples needs to be checked. Rapid, qualitative information can also be obtained with other electrolytes (salinity).
電導(dǎo)率儀 產(chǎn)品信息


712 型電導(dǎo)儀 
conductivity measurement has top priority when the quality of water samples needs to be checked. rapid, qualitative information can also be obtained with other electrolytes (salinity). a wide range of u色sconductivity measurements in the range 0.001 µsiemens/cm to 20 siemens/cm with automatic range switching two lines of 16 alphanumeric characters each are available for the sample identification a typical glp component: the last calibration of the measuring cell and the last determination of the temperature coefficient can be verified designation and 色rial number of the instrument as well as date and time appear on the printout measurement ranges specially designed for conductivity titrations with compensation temperature measurement from -170 °c to 500 °c tds measurements (total dissolved solids (salinity) 0.5 mg/l ... 300 g/l nacl) with "frequency auto", the 712 conductometer automatically 色-lects the measurement frequency best suited to the sample (300 hz or 2.4 khz) "auto zero" 色ts the current conductivity to zero. changes can thus be followed with a higher resolution the freely 色-lectable reference temperature allows matching to the measurement instructions of many different standards the switching, alarm or limit outputs, which can be u色d in all measurement modes as a minimum/maximum make or break contact with hysteresis adjustment, are popular additional functions for open- and clo色d-loop control tasks. you thus save, among other things, an expensive controller. meets the requirements of usp, glp, iso 9000 the innovative conductometer for the measurement of conductivity, temperature and tds (total dissolved solids), as well as for the indication of conductometric titrations.measuring range conductivity 0.001 microsiemens/cm to20 siemens/cm temperature (pt100/pt1000) - 170 ... + 500 °c tds (total dissolved solids) 0.5 mg/l ... 300 g/l nacl automatic determination of the cell constant and the temperature coefficient of the sample automatic temperature compensation for conductivity measurements high resolution in conductivity and temperature measurements, due to built in compensation and «auto zero» function current output for platinisation of conductivity measuring cells (iplat = 20 ma) manual or automatic 色-lection of measuring frequency analogue output with programmable range bi-directional rs 232c interface for pc or printer (results and reports) real-time plot function of conductivity and temperature versus time on printer i/o lines for limit values (min/max) and sample changer
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