


  • 公司名稱上海瑞普閥門有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2018/5/14 9:00:00
  • 訪問次數6655


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上海瑞普閥門有限公司主要生產制造,閘閥,球閥,蝶閥,截止閥,止回閥,調節(jié)閥,減壓閥,節(jié)流閥,過濾器,儀表,針型閥,阻火器,呼吸閥,角座閥,管夾閥,排污閥,排泥閥,平衡閥,旋塞閥,底閥,柱塞閥,電磁閥,隔膜閥,疏水器,疏水閥,安全閥,漿液閥,刀型閘閥,排氣閥,水力控制閥,高壓鍛鋼閥門,保溫閥門,電動閥門,氣動閥門,電站閥門 等秀供應商之一開發(fā)與生產制造上有著近百年積累下來的豐富經驗和*的設計特點,以專業(yè)的知識為使用者提供*秀的服務和產品。在石油閥門、化工閥門、冶金閥門、電力閥門、建筑閥門、熱力閥門、給排水閥門、水處理閥門等行業(yè)具有較高的度及影響力,我廠自創(chuàng)辦以來不斷以科技創(chuàng)新,努力開發(fā)以國代進,主要按中國GB、JB、美標API、ANSI、英國BS、德標 DIN、法國NF、日本JIS、JPI標準生產。,并可根據用戶特殊要求冶煉和制造。
產品廣泛用于化工、水處理設備,化肥、冶金、電力、石化引進裝置中的閥門配套,在四十多個國家和地區(qū)擁有自己的生產基地、子公司和代表處以及遍布的銷售網絡,中國立足于今天,放眼于未來,一如既往與用戶、設計單位和工程公司保持*的緊密合作伙伴關系,不懈尋求技術創(chuàng)新,不斷開發(fā)新產品。面對新的市場競爭態(tài)勢和經濟一體化的格局,進口閥業(yè)將秉承“素質決定實力 ”的發(fā)展理念,堅持“誠信為本,勇于創(chuàng)新,銳意進取,穩(wěn)健發(fā)展”的經營方針,大力 推進技術創(chuàng)新,資本運營,化拓展三大戰(zhàn)略,全面推動進口閥業(yè)由傳統(tǒng)企業(yè)向高新 技術產業(yè)轉型,尊重知識人才,構筑一種奮發(fā)向上,團結拼搏的“進口”精神,全力打造“ 實力型企業(yè)”再創(chuàng)進口閥業(yè)新的輝煌。上面是的簡單介紹若有問題歡迎來咨詢!
上海瑞普閥門公司主要代理九大進口品牌: 【德國尼博爾(NIBOR)】【德國凱爾(KIER) 】【德國柏林閥門(BOLI)N】【德國諾克閥門(NOOKER)】【美國威頓閥門(VTON)】【美國威爾閥門(WIER)】【英國羅托克閥門(UK)】【日本北澤閥門(KITZ)】【日本閥天閥門(VENN)】【日本日立閥門(HITACHI)
【法蘭鑄鋼截止閥】RP【進口法蘭鑄鋼截止閥】 產品信息


[簡介]:上海瑞普截止閥閥門廠  尋購:

截止閥的啟閉件是塞形的閥瓣,密封面呈平面或錐面,閥瓣沿流體的中心線作直線運動。閥桿的運動形式,(通用名稱:暗桿),也有升降旋轉桿式,(通用名稱:明桿)截止閥是指關閉件(閥瓣)沿閥座中心線移動的閥門。 根據閥瓣的這種移動形式,閥座通口的變化是與閥瓣行程成正比例關系。由于該類閥門的閥桿開啟或關閉行程相對較短,而且具有非常可靠的切斷功能,又由于閥座通口的變化與閥瓣的行程成正比例關系,非常適合于對流量的調節(jié)。因此,這種類型的閥門非常適合作為切斷或調節(jié)以及節(jié)流用。

[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Globe valves Valve Factory

Valve opening and closing parts are plug-shaped valve, seal appear before the plane or cone, the valve along the centerline of the fluid in a straight line. Stem form of exercise, (generic name: dark bar), but also lift rotating rod, (common name: the next shot) pieces of cut-off valve is closed (valve) moves along the centerline of the valve seat. According to this form of valve, valve seat and through the mouth of the change is proportional to the valve stroke. As such open or close the valve stem travel relatively short, but very reliable cut-off function, and because changes in the valve seat and through the mouth of the valve stroke is proportional, is ideal for flow adjustment

上海瑞普閥門有限公司 主要代理九大進口品牌:

[德國凱爾(KIER)] [德國尼博爾(NIBOR)][德國柏林閥門(BOLI)N] [德國諾克閥門(NOOKER)] [美國克里斯閥門(CHRIS)] [英國保羅閥門(PAUL)] [日本北澤閥門(KITZ)] [日本閥天閥門(VENN)] [日本日立閥門(HITACHI)]




[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Check valve Valve Factory

Check valve according to the structure can be divided into the lift check valve, swing check valve and butterfly valve of three. Lift check valves can be divided into vertical and horizontal. Swing check valve is divided into single lobe, dual valve type and Orange Peel-type three. Butterfly valve for the straight-through, more than a few non-return valve in the connection form can be divided into threaded connection, flange and welding of three. Valve opening and closing pieces by medium flow and forces to turn on or off, backflow valve to prevent the media called the check valve. Check valves are automatic valves, mainly for the medium one-way flow of the pipeline, only to allow media to flow in one direction, to prevent accidents.




[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu regulator Valve Factory

The regulator (regulator), another name in industrial automation control valves, process control field, by accepting conditioning control unit of output control signals from power operation to change medium flow rate, pressure, temperature, level of process parameters of the final control components. Generally, the executing agency and valve composition. If press trip characteristics, the regulator can be divided into straight travel and quarter-turn; By their ticket enforcement agencies use the power, can be divided into pneumatic regulator, electric regulator, hydraulic regulator three; According to the functions and characteristics into linear characteristics, characteristics and parabolic characteristic percentage of three. The regulator is applicable to air, water, steam, all kinds of corrosive medium, mud, oil, and other media.




[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Filter Valve Factory

Pipeline transmission media filter is indispensable on a device, usually installed in the valve, pressure relief valve, water valve or other device set the import side, the medium used to remove impurities, to protect the valves and equipment normal use. When the fluid into the home of a certain size filter cartridge, its impurities are blocked, and clean filtrate from the filter outlet drain cleaning when necessary, as long as the removable cartridge removed, re-processed into the can, therefore, maintenance is extremely easy to use.




[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Solenoid valve Valve Factory

Solenoid valve in a closed chamber, in different locations to open a hole, each hole is leading to a different pipeline, the middle valve chamber, both sides are two electromagnets, which face the magnet coils body will be attracted to which side, by controlling the body\u0026#39;s movement to block the discharge of oil or leakage of different holes, and into the hole is always open, hydraulic fluid will enter a different row of tubing, then through the oil pressure to push the fuel tank piston, piston and piston rod driven, piston rod drive mechanism moving. This electrical flow through the control solenoid on-off control of the mechanical movement.




[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Breathing valve Valve Factory

Full use of its bearing capacity of the tank to reduce the oil vapor emissions, the principle is to use the weight of the valve plate to control the breath pressure and suction tank negative pressure. When the pressure of the gas tank in the mechanical breathing valve control pressure within the breathing valve does not move, keep the tank airtight; gas space when the tank pressure increases, breathing valve to control pressure, the pressure top of the valve is open, the gas escaping from the tank so the tank pressure does not continue to increase; gas space when the tank pressure drops to negative pressure breathing valve control, tank top outside air will enter the tank to open the vacuum valve , so that tank pressure does not continue to decline.




[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Flame arrester Valve Factory

Flame arrester is application by hot conductor, due to the small pore of the heat loss and out of the principle design and manufacture. The flame arrester fire resistance reservoir structure have gravel type, type or corrugated metal screen type. Apply to the combustible gas pipeline, such as gasoline, kerosene, light diesel oil, benzene, toluene, crude oil tanks or torch systems, gas purification tonghua systems, gas analysis system, coal gas emission system, heating furnace fuel gas pipeline network, also be used, oxygen, nitrogen, acetylene gas pipeline supplies. The valve can be used with breather valve, and may also be used alone. This kind of the valve in the pipeline in general shall, in accordance with the working properly installed.



排氣閥應用于獨立采暖系統(tǒng)、集中供熱系統(tǒng)、采暖鍋 爐、*空調、地板采暖及太陽能采暖系統(tǒng)等管道排氣。因為水中通常都溶有一定的空氣,而且空氣的溶解度隨著溫度的升高而減少,這樣水在循環(huán)的過程中氣體逐漸從水中分離出來,并逐漸聚在一起形成大的氣泡甚至氣柱,因為有水的補充,所以經常有氣體產生。當系統(tǒng)中有氣體溢出時,氣體會順著管道向上爬,zui終聚集在系統(tǒng)的zui高點,而排氣閥一般都安裝在系統(tǒng)zui高點,當氣體進入排氣閥閥腔聚集在排氣閥的上部,隨著閥內氣體的增多,壓力上升,當氣體壓力大于系統(tǒng)壓力時,氣體會使腔內水面下降,浮筒隨水位一起下降,打開排氣口;氣體排盡后,水位上升,浮筒也隨之上升,關閉排氣口。同樣的道理,當系統(tǒng)中產生負壓,閥腔中水面下降,排氣口打開,由于此時外界大氣壓力比系統(tǒng)壓力大,所以大氣會通過排氣口進入系統(tǒng),防止負壓的危害。如擰緊排氣閥閥體上的閥帽,排氣閥停止排氣,通常情況下,閥帽應該處于開啟狀態(tài)。

[Introduction]:Shanghai Ruipu Check valve Valve Factory

Exhaust valve used in an independent heating system, central heating system, heating boilers, central air conditioning, floor heating and solar heating systems, exhaust pipes. Because usually dissolved in water have a certain air, and the solubility of air decreases with increasing temperature, so the water cycle process gas gradually separated from the water, and gradually come together to form large bubbles or column, Because of water added, so often gases. When the overflow of gas, the gas will climb along the pipeline to eventually gather the highest point in the system, while the exhaust valve is mounted at the highest point in the system, when the gas valve into the exhaust valve

我公司產品種類繁多,規(guī)格齊全。球閥 蝶閥 截止閥 止回閥 電磁閥 安全閥 針型閥 疏水閥 旋塞閥 隔膜閥 放料閥 排氣閥 呼吸閥 過濾器 阻火器 角座閥 平衡閥 排污閥 排泥閥 切斷閥 減壓閥 管夾閥 柱塞閥 底閥 視鏡 法蘭 水力控制閥、閥門成套管件組等大類

上海瑞普閥門有限公司 主要代理九大進口品牌:

[德國凱爾(KIER)] [德國尼博爾(NIBOR)][德國柏林閥門(BOLI)N] [德國諾克閥門(NOOKER)] [美國克里斯閥門(CHRIS)] [英國保羅閥門(PAUL)] [日本北澤閥門(KITZ)] [日本閥天閥門(VENN)] [日本日立閥門(HITACHI)]


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