


  • 公司名稱常州市寧河干燥設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地常州市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)
  • 更新時間2023/10/20 17:42:08
  • 訪問次數(shù)218

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固廢專用YPG系列圓盤式干化機 產(chǎn)品信息




With the development of social economy and urbanization, the production and quantity of urban and industrial sewage are increasing. Solid waste is a by-product of sewage treatment. lt is an extremely complex heterogeneous body composed of organic debris, bacteria, inorganic particles, colloids and so on. At the same time, sludge contains a lot of organic matter and humus. lt can be used as incineration medium, fertilizer, building materials, activated carbon and so on. For industrial solid waste and life solid waste, landfil disposal was generally used in the past, With the increasing amount of solid waste. people bean to use incineration method, which can effectively obtain heat energy from solid waste, reduce environmentalcosts and do not cause secondary pollution,ln addition, solid waste can be further processed and utilized as oraanic fertilizer, but the above two methods still need to be dried or semi-dried, A large number of solid waste has been produced, and the traditional holow paddle dryer has been unable to meet its dryin requirements. Our company imports advanced technoloay from abroad, uses disc solid waste drver to drv various materials uses diferent forms of drying tests, carries out economic analysis of technology and energy consumption, and concludes that disc solid waste dryer is an ideal energy-saving drving equipment. Our company has uparaded and reformed the solid waste drying many times, forming our company's proprietary technology and characteristics, in order to cope with large-scale solid waste drying projects.




The drying machine is mainly composed of jacket, single shaft rotor and transmission device. The solid waste passes throughthe iacket, hollow shaft and heat transfer from the hollow disc welded to the shat to be indirectly heated and dried. The disc does not cut solid waste, but mixes solid waste by pushing the agitator on the edge of the disc, and constantly updates the drying surface, so as to achieve the purpose of drying.





1. The steam heat transfer medium can be used in both semi-drying and full-drying processes. The system is simple and the auxiliary equipment is few.
2, the air supply port is set up to make the exhaust emission more smoother and the tal gas treatment system less load.
3. lt has high reliability, good sustainability and can operate day and night. lt is suitable for solid waste drying with long time andlarge capacity.
4. Steam is not in contact with solid waste, and the amount of insoluble gases in tail gas is less, so it can be incinerated in the furnace with less secondary pollution.
5. the oxygen content, temperature and dust concentration at runtime are low and the system is safe.
6, The drver conducis heat transfer throuah the shel wall. hollow shaft and the left and right sides of each vertical disc,The dryer has large heat transfer area, compact structure and small size.
7. In the dryer, solid waste is wet solid waste. In order o prevent solid waste from adhering to the turntable, there is a fixed ong scraper on the inner wall of the outer shell, which extends to the gap between the discs and plays the role of stiring solid waste and cleaning the disc surface. Ater solid crushing and agitation, the solid waste is uniform and granular, whicr is conducive to further disposal. , The solid waste on the disc will not overheat during parking and the restart will not be affected when heated by a lov temperature heat source (<170 C).
9. Solid waste treatment load is large, even if the feed is not uniform, it can ensure smooth operation, internal operation resistance is small, equipment energy consumption is low.
10. maintenance is simple, continuous operation is good, can run around the clock, ensure 8000 hours per year.



關(guān)鍵詞:活性炭 烘干機
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