


  • 公司名稱上海陸甲自動化科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2022/5/1 14:02:34
  • 訪問次數(shù)465

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聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

上海陸甲自動化科技有限公司u里息勵M秦賢區(qū)金匯鎮(zhèn)中心的現(xiàn)代化*園 區(qū)。致力于包裝自動化設(shè)備的研發(fā)與生 產(chǎn),應(yīng)用行業(yè):制藥、食品、化妝品、 日化、電子、醫(yī)藥、化工、汽車工業(yè)及 塑料與五金等各大行業(yè)! 主營產(chǎn)品:全自動智能不干膠貼標(biāo) 機、智能視覺檢測設(shè)備、工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)標(biāo) 識方案、防偽、防串貨追溯系統(tǒng)、非標(biāo) 自動化生產(chǎn)線等。我公司產(chǎn)品性能優(yōu) 良、種類齊全、性價比高,并根據(jù)不同 地區(qū)及行業(yè)的客戶需求,對非標(biāo)產(chǎn)品進(jìn) 行定制,提供高性價比及高技術(shù)含量的 產(chǎn)品。同時,我們貫徹服務(wù)客戶的宗 旨,從客戶的角度出發(fā),不斷完善售的服努保瞧。您的信任是我們發(fā)展的動力,陸甲公司愿與廣大客戶在包裝設(shè)備的領(lǐng)域中攜手共進(jìn)、共創(chuàng)輝煌。期待您前來公司參觀、考察、洽談業(yè)務(wù),并提出寶貴的建議,我們一上海陸甲自動化科技公司結(jié)合技術(shù),以自主研發(fā)為核心競爭力!打造性能優(yōu)、功能全、性價比高的暫能工業(yè)產(chǎn)品。在目前復(fù)雜多變的市場中走出一條*的創(chuàng)新之定熱忱相待,給予您滿意的答復(fù)。 路!
全自動智能不干膠貼標(biāo) 機、智能視覺檢測設(shè)備、工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)標(biāo) 識方案、防偽、防串貨追溯系統(tǒng)、非標(biāo) 自動化生產(chǎn)線等
電子監(jiān)管碼自動線 產(chǎn)品信息













Shanghai Lujia non-standard customizable traceability system:

(1) One code at a time.
Shanghai Lujia Automation has broken through the traditional one-class and one-code mechanism, which enables unique identification and traceability of each product, and realizes the functions of government supervision, logistics application, merchant settlement, and consumer inquiry.
(2) The database centrally stores dynamic information.
In order to break through the limitations of quality information and circulation dynamic information that cannot be printed in advance, the regulatory network centrally stores product dynamic information in a large-scale regulatory database in real time, while meeting the real-time dynamic information sharing needs of production, circulation, consumption, and supervision.
(3) National coverage.
Due to the characteristics of product production and national circulation sales, only the system network platform that achieves unified and seamless coverage throughout the country can meet the requirements of full-scale supervision.
(4) Tracking the whole process.
The supervision network collects the closed-loop information of the production source and circulation consumption of the product, and has the technical functions of information sharing and process linkage of quality inspection, industry and commerce, commerce, drug supervision and other related departments, in order to realize the quality traceability and accountability of the products. , problem recalls and law enforcement counterfeiting provide the necessary information support.
The role of the regulatory network:
Through the supervision network, production companies and distribution companies can quickly understand the product market, protect intellectual property rights, achieve brand promotion, and master logistics information; consumers can use the text message, telephone, network and terminal facilities to query product authenticity and quality information; The regulatory law enforcement department can timely grasp the information on product counterfeiting and illegal action and promptly take enforcement actions, conduct process traceability and accountability for quality problems, conduct timely and accurate recall management of problems and defective products, and make government supervision, enterprise self-discipline and social supervision very A good combination of the two has promoted the construction of a harmonious society.

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